"There's nothing worth doing
that can't be done better effortlessly
" Les Fehmi
Mind Gear
Creators of Tools that train your Brain!
Brain/Mind Research
Recordings with special modulated sound pulses which cause a sympathetic response in brainwaves for changing consciousness into deep relaxed states.
Synchronicity Contemporary Meditation
States of awareness normally achieved after many years of meditation are easily accessible to everyone.
Mind Tools
Mind Tools Ltd. mission is to provide high quality software and information designed to help you to think your way to a happy and successful life.
The Mind Machines
Exercise the most sophisticated computer ever designed... your brain!
Metaphysics and Technology
A Talk Given On May 12, 1993, At The Valley West Church Of Religious Science Campbell, California
The Lucidity Institute Catalog
Lucid Dreaming Induction Devices and Accessories!

All rights reserved © 1995,InnerVisions Ltd.
Revised: 1/2/97